In praise of hardy cloth
Written by Ethan Newton I have always found some romance in the hardy utilitarian aspect of clothing, be it a pair of denims, a horsehide coat, a tweed odd jacket or a pair of flannels. There is a uniformity to it, a classicism that is beyond reproach, they are all pieces as familiar to us as a chesterfield sofa or a glass coke bottle. Even those of us who have never owned or worn any of these garments, they are such staple pieces of a wardrobe, so often seen in media from film to literature, that they sit comfortably in...
Salvatore Ambrosi - Pantalonaio
Written by Ethan Newton When I first decided to work with Salvatore, many people warned me against him, citing his brash manner and quick temper as reasons why he isn’t someone to trust. But knowing him, having him as my friend as well as someone whose business I work with, i have learnt a lot about him. My initial instincts were right. I have been lucky in life to know many people from all walks of life, some that are diplomats and some that aren’t. I grew up quick tempered myself, and have long been one to take every insult...
Apparel Arts - Spring 1933
Fashion Forecast - Southern Fig. 1- Figure wearing white linen norfolk jacket, with belt stitched all around to vertical pockets, back of jacket is very simple, a straight yoke with gatherings and a long vent from belt to bottom of coat. Slacks are of black and white shepherd check linen; pale yellow broadcloth shirt with round collar attached, pinned; a solid black foulard tie; canary ribbed wool hose and white buck shoes with black rubber heels and soles complete the ensemble. Fig. 2- Figure wearing midnight blue tropical worsted, double breasted dinner jacket; semi soft 2 ½ inch wide...
Apparel Arts - Spring 1933
Fashion Forecast - Riding Fig. 1- Wearing informal kit, white riding jacket of salt sack, tanbark cavalry twill breeches, canvas buttoned puttees, black blucher riding shoes, blue silk and wool hunting shirt, white gum twill ratcatcher stock with blue spots, brown and black check one-piece top cap. White salt sack is a favorite of horsey society at Virginia. Well-dressed men both here and abroad have taken to black boots and riding shoes because of the popularity of brown with stable boys and grooms. Fig. 2- Wearing Lovat cheviot riding coat, tan bedford cord jodhpur breeches, brown calf jodhpur boots, coral...